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More Thoughts From Me #285: The New Horizons Update/DLC Is Almost Here!

Ever since the recent Animal Crossing New Horizons Direct, I’ve been counting the days until the update (and DLC). Its almost time! So I thought I’d talk about how excited I am for it and hype it up more.


Its almost time for the Animal Crossing New Horizons update/DLC to be released. In fact, this Thursday night the update will come out and on Friday, we’ll get to play it.

I’ve already pre-loaded the DLC. I got the Nintendo Switch Online service and got the DLC free from there. So I’m 100% ready on the DLC front. As soon as the update is up on Thursday night, I’ll grab it.

Why is this update so exciting? Well, yeah I wrote about it when it was first announced but let me just talk about it a little again.

First of all, there’s the crops! I can’t believe we’re getting crops on Animal Crossing. Yes we got pumpkins but I never thought we’d get more despite the rumors. We’re getting cooking too. Whoa.

I’ve already prepared a new area for more crops.


I’m also trying to leave plenty of room for new items too. The update is bringing us so many new things to put in our houses and in our town. Its amazing.

Not only that but we get new emotions, new K.K. Slider songs, new shops to visit…so much stuff.

Then if you picked up the Happy Home Paradise DLC, you’ll be getting a totally new aspect of the game. You can design vacation houses for animals you don’t know and even ones from your own town. This DLC also will bring new items and some new ways to fix up your house (pillars and more). Whew.

There is so much coming in this Update/DLC. Nintendo hasn’t even shown us everything thats coming. I’m also forgetting to mention some things…like The Roost! Wow.

My excitement for the update/DLC is high obviously. Its been a sucky year and Nintendo is giving Animal Crossing fans a huge gift. If you’re only getting the free update, you’ll be getting a ton of new stuff to do. Add on the DLC and fans of this game should be happy for a long time to come. I know I will.

I’m going to play the heck out of the update/DLC soon. I will definitely write up an article or two for!

Are you looking forward to the update/DLC? What are you looking forward to the most in it?

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Is it Friday yet?!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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