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The Value of Playing Video Games

Video games are now more popular than ever. Games like Fortnight have gone mainstream, and nowadays, everyone considers themselves as a gamer. What’s more, people have built professional careers out of videogames, and are reaping big from it.


Video games provide a fun way to escape reality. However, they’ve been traditionally portrayed as violent, lazy, and a waste of time. Some have also considered gaming a cause of addictive behavior. This debate has raged on for generations.

So, are there any benefits of playing video games? Do these games make you any smarter?

Here are the main ways in which you’ll benefit from the leisure activity, and the primary reasons why you should game harder:

Emotional Stability

Video games can boost your emotional stability in a big way. A 2012 study suggested that immersive games, in particular, can be the most beneficial as they allow gamers to try out different versions of themselves. Immersive games like Red Dead Redemption 2 are so immersive, allowing you to visit any location and do anything you like.

This allows you to explore your personality and see what fits best with your ideal soul. According to research, doing this can substantially impact your emotional stability.

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Vasomotor Coordination

You’ve definitely heard or experienced the fact that playing video games can substantially improve your eye-hand coordination. This is true, and several scientific studies back the theory. According to recent findings, video games progress every vasomotor coordination. This is when movement and vision work together to deliver actions.

For instance, shooting games require shooters to respond quickly and aim accurately at small targets. On the other hand, driving games will require you to make minor steering adjustments at high speeds. All these boost your vasomotor coordination, which trickles to every other task beyond video games, including driving, walking, sports, or simple tasks like dressing up in the morning.

Enhanced Social Skills

There’s a common misconception that loners and introverts prefer video games, but the opposite is true. Some of the best games in the market can be played online with friends, and remote gaming may seem to promote isolation and poor social skills. However, actually taking part in video game competitions can aid your social life.

Immersive, social video games can help gamers develop pro-social skills. In these games, you must figure out who to trust, who you can make friends with, and how to lead a team. You can transfer these skills from the gaming world into the real world.

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Improved Vision

A common belief is that staring on the screen for long could damage your eyes, but several studies contest this notion. In fact, research has proven otherwise – that video games actually recover your vision. Playing will enhance your visual contrast sensitivity. In essence, this is the ability to distinguish between different shades of grey.

Another exciting study notes that video game treatments can work against “lazy eyes,” commonly known as amblyopia. That said, it’s still not wise to spend the whole day playing and glancing at the screen with the excuse of trying to improve your eyesight.


Mission-focused, open-world and other games that come in different levels are crafted like intricate brainteasers that require time and a substantial mental effort to find the solution. Typically, fixing a problem will depend on your decisions and actions throughout the gaming session. Therefore, you must teach yourself to focus and create a strategy on your feet in the fast-paced gaming landscape.

This skill can be important in real life. According to a 2013 report, kids indulging in strategy-based video games can substantially improve their problem-solving skills. The change can be helpful in your academic life, translating to better grades.

Before you get ahead of yourself, it’s important to remember that too much of anything can be harmful – even broccoli. Heck, even water toxicity exists! So if you binge and do nothing but play video games without being productive in any other way, the setbacks probably outweigh the benefits.

So make sure all aspects of your life are moving as well, especially your academics. Whenever you want coursework help from professionals, you can always rely on review sites like for comprehensive writing guidelines.


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