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Sony’s State of Play Reveals More on The Last Of Us 2

As we continue to count down the days until June 19th, I’ve mainly stayed away from all information on this game since E3 two years ago. Not for lack of caring, but because TLOU was one of my favorite games of all time, so the bar is set VERY high for me. I’ve not watched any trailers or read any leaks either. But all that changed today when I decided to jump in on the newest State of Play from yesterday.


Now, to respect others that have been on the same spoiler free path like myself, I will not discuss any story beats here. I will save that for the review in a few weeks. But to no surprise at all, this game continues to look absolutely stunning. Ellie obviously has been through a lot and now this world seems to resemble something much more like the Walking Dead than the previous game. Swampy marshes, lush forests, and from what I have seen the real threat is the people, not clickers.

There was a few new mechanics to point out from this conference. We see more weapon modifications, crafting, horseback riding, swimming, rope climbing, seems like just about every aspect has been enhanced for what will easily be the swan song for the PS4. This game is absolutely brutal, the violence has been ramped up ALOT from what we have seen to the point that even I would cringe at certain scenes. Plus a cameo from a PSP Vita of all things.


But don’t take my word for it, check out the full state of play for more info. Including (my favorite part) the last 8 min which featured uninterrupted, never before seen gameplay.


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blank Kevin Austin has been in gaming journalism in one way or another since the launch of the Nintendo Gamecube. Married and father of 3 children he has been gaming since the ripe age of 6 when he got his first NES system and over 30 years later he is still gaming almost daily. Kevin is also co-founder of the Play Some Video Games (PSVG) Podcast network which was founded over five years ago and is still going strong. Some of his favorite gaming series includes Fallout and Far Cry, he is a sucker for single player adventure games (hence his big reviews for Playstation), and can frequently be found getting down in one battle royale or another. If it's an oddball game, odds are he's all about it.

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