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Counting down to Playstation at E3

A countdown timer has been added to the Official Playstation site counting down to when the tech giant takes to the stage at this year’s E3. The conference is set to begin at 6pm local time (Los Angeles) on Monday evening. Those of you in Europe will need to stay up late to watch the show. 2am in UK/Ireland or 3am in Central Europe.

A live feed will stream from the Playstation website once the clock hits zero. Be sure to tune in for all the latest news on PS3, PS Vita and of course PS4. 




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blank With almost 30 years of video game experience to his name, Steven knows more than a thing or two about the industry and has been putting it all to words these past few years. As a trophy hunter, the Playstation brand gets most of his attention. Twitter: SteveVanEekeren PSN: Devils_Demon

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