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Mirror’s Edge 2 at E3? Retailer Listing Renews Chances

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The German branch of Amazon have a page up for Mirror’s Edge 2, and are taking pre-orders. The original first person free-running game gained a pretty huge following after a lacklustre start, and both DICE and EA have hinted that a return to the series may be on the books. The fact that it’s turned up at retail means this has a pretty good chance of becoming a reality.

There’s no other information about the game whatsoever, and even the picture is a complete mess, but there’s no doubt that an appearance like this will get people hyped up for a possible announcement at E3, which starts in less than three weeks.

The original game, which hit bargain bins fairly quickly, will be an example of a game saved by its post-launch success, an irony considering EA’s staunch battle against the used market and their support of the new anti-used system within the Xbox One. On the other hand, if the same thing happens for Mirror’s Edge 2 – that most people who buy it do so used – it will only further confirm their comments on the used market.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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