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Through Live Streamers, Radio Is Making A Comeback

In the digital age, it’s easy to forget about some of the amazing technology that has come before – radio included. Some haven’t forgotten, and radio remains a hugely popular past-time, with NPR noting a resurgence in ham radio popularity. One particularly intriguing trend comes from the web, where radio streamers are finding airtime and attention on the likes of Twitch. Amateur radio and online streaming may be on a potentially very interesting crash course.

Streaming – old school

Twitch has a huge retro following. According to independent statistics aggregator Twitchmetrics, the top retro channel, TheMexicanrunner, received 111,000 hours of viewtime in July alone, with similar numbers going to other channels. Retro games, like amateur and ham radio equipment, typically has a low buy in cost. Research into the best products will often result in a good quality bargain, making the setup time to having a streaming channel quick. This is the case with the likes of notable Twitch streamers, like n0ssc, who is harnessing the desire for older device content to put out popular streams.


Spreading knowledge

With the popularity and accessibility of Twitch and YouTube so well known, it provides a great platform for streamers to not only find fame but also to spread their own knowledge on the subject. This is the situation with well-known amateur/HAM radio stream NT7S, which provides mainly gamers and radio enthusiasts with valuable insights into how radio works and current trends in the scene.

A niche to be exploited?

Many of the current game markets are very over saturated. The likes of AdmiralBulldog and Arteezy dominate DotA 2 streaming, and have set a template that many try to follow; similarly, Ninja and his peers in Fortnite have created an oft-repeated way of streaming content. At a rough estimate, websites like Celebrity Net Worth have placed the fortune of streamers such as Ninja at $10m US. With money comes sponsorship, attention, advertising and fame. The current generation of amateur radio enthusiasts could well be the next big thing on Twitch, and find a whole new niche carved out for years to come.


Amateur radio has found a kindred spirit in the vast retro scene on Twitch. Much of the same theme is present in amateur radio and Twitch; many play without audiences, making quality content for a privileged few. However, with the stardom that Twitch launches it’s faithful to, there may well be an amateur radio superstar in the near future.


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