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Nintendo Cannot Afford Another WiiU

Rumors are rampant lately surrounding the Nintendo NX. We haven’t commented on them, and don’t plan to comment on them. However, we can comment on what Nintendo does next and what they will need to do to re-introduce themselves as a main stream gaming platform for everyone. Yes, Nintendo is friendly to everyone, but it does not cater to everyone. To find substantial success, it will need to do this.


I think it’s fairly obvious that bringing to market something that rivals the Xbox One or PS4 is just not going to be enough. If it’s going to be comparable in many ways, then it needs to innovate in others. And they can’t port unused innovations over and try to appeal them to a mass audience either. Amiibo support on the NX is not enough to make some say, “Wow, I need that console.”

Bringing a comparable console to the market just won’t cut it, and in fact, it would be a missed opportunity. Technology has already changed since the Xbox One and PS4 launched a few years ago, and it has changed enough that rumors are surfacing about a PS4.5, something a bit better than a PS4, but still a PS4 at heart. Nintendo needs to be that PS4.5, or success will elude the video game giant once again.

I love Nintendo, and I love my Wii U. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, and the games that have launched on it have been pretty good. Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, and Super Mario 3D World have all been constant staples in my home, and have made my purchase of the WiiU very worth. Include other new ideas like Yoshi’s Wholly World and Captain Toad, and the releases for WiiU have been pretty good. Nintendo continues to push grade A quality to their flagship console.

However, we know where the sales figures are. They have underachieved, and even they would admit this. Bringing back Nintendo fans just isn’t enough anymore. Nintendo needs Madden, needs Call of Duty, and needs those other big AAA releases that get people talking. Without them, no matter what thye bring to the table, they just cannot succeed. Many, MANY people have left Nintendo for bigger and better things. HD Mario won’t cut it.

It just simply won’t, and I think Nintendo knows this. The launch of Nintendo’s next console will be huge, and they will only get one chance at doing it right. Nintendo cannot afford another Wii U. They need something more, and I believe they will deliver.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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