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Microsoft Buys Mojang and Minecraft for Estimated 2.5 Billions


It is official. Mojang posted on their own website that, “Yes, the deal is real. Mojang is being bought by Microsoft.” This is probably great news for Microsoft as purchasing a giant such as Minecraft is bound to make them a lot more than they spent. One thing Microsoft isn’t getting, however, is the brilliant mind of Minecraft creator, Notch.

According to Mojang’s website, creators Notch, Carl, and Jakob are leaving the company to pursue other, unannounced, endeavors. The rest of the staff, as of today, will likely remain on to continue to enhance and support Minecraft across all platforms. 

According to their website, the reason for the sale was simple: Notch never envisioned Minecraft doing this well, and has no desire to handle or run a company of such magnitude. While many individuals came forward looking to buy the company, the decision to go with Microsoft was based on their continued dedication towards the growth of the hit build-a-world title.

Mojong could not comment on what Microsoft plans to do with the franchise in the future, but says there are currently no plans to stop updating and creating for all platforms, including Playstation. Microsoft does control the company now, so updated versions of the game – or perhaps, a sequel – could land exclusively on Microsoft platforms.

Time will tell if this is good. It is undeniably good for Microsoft, but not necessarily for fans of the game. Former Rareware fanatics remember Microsoft’s acquisition of that company, and what they went on to do. Hopefully Majong doesn’t go the route of Rare.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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