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Gears of War: Tactics Kinect Game Footage Leaks


Kinect was supposed to be a hardcore experience, something Microsoft kept repeating while it was unveiled Milo and Kinectimals. Sure, they were trying to attract a small slice of the Wii crowd, but they wanted everybody to invest in one of the devices as well. Unfortunately, it never quite worked out the way they’d hoped, and any possible ‘proper’ titles got cancelled. One of those games was Gears of War: Tactics, and footage has leaked showing exactly what we’re missing out on.

It’s definitely a far cry from the Gears of War that we’re used to, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Fans might have struggled to take such an inactive role in proceedings, but for those interested in RTS, the chance to use Kinect might have been interesting (although probably not). The world and atmosphere was definitely well captured – with an unmistakeably familiar vibe present throughout – but exactly who was going to be the audience for this? That’s probably why it never made it to market: wasn’t strong enough to be a system seller, nor casual enough to interest the people that were actually buying Kinect. Plus, those controls don’t look intuitive at all, even if it does just involve pointing your finger at the screen.

With all that added in, it’s still an interesting enough looking title, and one that probably could have become something of a cult classic, not unlike Halo Wars. The prospect of a tactical Gears game isn’t terrible – it just needs to be done right.

Source: VGLeaks


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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