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Battlelog Entry Hints at new Battlefield


An entry on the Battlelog is hinting at a brand new Battlefield game, probably to be announced at E3. The code “BFH” has suddenly appeared in the static assets for the Battlelog, along with icons for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC. It stands to reason that this is a new title – Battlefield Heroes already has its own different code so a port seems unlikely – but what is it?


Further code hints at the various soldier types in the game. You’ll be able to play as Enforcer, Mechanic, Operator and Professional. There’s no more detail on each, but we can presume a little from the names. Enforcer will likely be the assault rifle user, while the professional will master in snipers. The mechanic will be useful for fixing and tackling vehicles, while the operator will likely use smaller weapons. 

Early fan suggestions include the rather interesting sounding Battlefield Havana, although that’s not really backed up by anything. The only proof we’ve got at the minute is that a new Battlefield game is on its way, that EA are probably on the cusp of announcing it and that it’ll probably be out later this year. Has Battlefield gone yearly? Is this going to be a new trend? Only time will tell.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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