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EA Openly Mock Wii U on Twitter


It’s April 1st, and that means you absolutely have to be careful what you reveal, lest it gets called a joke. Some developers try to make an effort, even creating videos to entertain and stick in the mind. Whoever runs EA’s Frostbite account decided to pull a different kind of prank.

Frostbite now runs on the #WiiU since it is the most powerful Gen4 platform, our renderer is now optimized for Mario and Zelda.

— FrostbiteEngine (@FrostbiteEngine) April 1st, 2014

Frostbite will power #HalfLife3, coming out summer 2014! #WiiU exclusive.

— FrostbiteEngine (@FrostbiteEngine) April 1st, 2014

Good news, we have finally fixed and optimized our ‘netcode’. Uses quantum entanglement for Zero Latency connections. Exclusively on #WiiU.

— FrostbiteEngine (@FrostbiteEngine) April 1st, 2014

Personally, I think these are pretty funny, and probably would have remained so if they’d come from some indie developer or from a prank account. That they came from the official Frostbite page, and that they were made on behalf of EA, one of the biggest companies in gaming, changes the situation somewhat. They’re out and out mocking another company, and it comes across as a little immature.

The tweets have since been deleted, but not forgotten. Reaction ranged from those damning political correctness through to EA haters hating EA. All in all though, it probably wasn’t an especially smart move.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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