Ocarina of Time Completed in Under 19 Minutes
What’s the fastest you’ve ever finished Ocarina of Time? Chances are, it was quite a while. Child Link’s sections can be beaten in a few hours, if you know what you’re doing and don’t get sidetracked, but the Adult Link stuff – and I’m thinking the Water Temple here – can be quite frustrating. Still, Ocarina can be beaten much quicker, if you know what you’re doing. In less than 20 minutes, actually. And that includes over three minutes for the opening cut scene.
Naturally, this isn’t a totally clean non-glitch run through. That’d be impossible. The player, Cosmo, makes use of several very specific glitches in the Japanese version that allows him to play certain parts out of order. He doesn’t even get the titular Ocarina.
For example, he goes to the “chicken fetch” mini-game in Kakarico Village ahead of running the Deku Tree. Then he walks through a door and finds himself at the end of the game. On top of hat, he made a few mistakes and had trouble at a few sections, so it’s entirely possible he could knock more time off of that 18 minute and 50-odd second time.
Ocarina of Time was a huge title back when it first released. One of the first 3D adventure titles to prove open world could work, countless man-hours were lost the year it released, and it cemented its place as a part of gaming history. How many of us ever thought it’d be beaten in 19 minutes, I wonder?