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Hundreds of Different Animals Populate Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption is going to be a fantastic experience, and as Rockstar slowly unveils more and more about the game, the hype continues to build. This time around, Rockstar details all the different animals that will populate the world to make it feel more alive than ever before! Although we don't know how much each population will be present in the game, it's still great to know how much work is going into creating this masterpiece.

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Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD Review-in-progress Part 2

In Part 1 of my review-in-progress of Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD, I talked about the game’s story. In part 2, I want to focus on the game’s battle system and exploration. How much does the battle system feel like a traditional FF experience? What about the exploration? Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition doesn’t have a turn-based battle system. I really wish it did. The battle system in FF15 isn’t horrible, in fact I’ve been enjoying for the most…

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Dark Souls: Remastered – Keep calm (video)

Over the weekend, I got to play the Dark Souls: Remastered Network Test. I had never played Dark Souls before. And…I found out that I really suck at the game. The following new video from Nintendo UK is a very accurate representation of how I felt while playing Dark Souls! The Dark Souls Remastered Network Test has come and gone. I thought that the graphics were really good. The gameplay seemed good too. Although… I did not get very far…

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Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD Review-in-progress Part 1

Earlier this week, I provided my first impressions of Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD for Nintendo Switch. I have continued to the play the game and wanted to provide some more thoughts. For part 1 of this review-in-progress, I wanted to talk about the game’s story a bit more. Am I still enjoying it? I really like Final Fantasy 15 Pockete Edition HD so far. There is a lot to like about the game. And one of my favorite…

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Dragon Quest 11 – Review Chapter 3 – Typical Battle Sequences

Many turn based role playing games have drawn from the experience and development of the Dragon Quest series, and true to the original release, Square Enix has actually done very little to overhaul the battle system they have implemented. Sure, there are a few new ways to deal damage, and a new movement option in Dragon Quest 11, but it's mostly stuck to the core mechanics that have made the franchise so successful for so long. And that's not a bad thing.

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World of Final Fantasy Maxima TGS 2018 Trailer

The Tokyo Game Show is going on now and we can expect some game announcements and new trailers to be shown. Square Enix has already shown a few new trailers, including another look at World of Final Fantasy Maxima! Check the new trailer out below and then please come back for my thoughts on it. I really like the look of World of Final Fantasy. The bigger characters look like the human characters from Kingdom Hearts, meanwhile the smaller characters…

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Playstation Classic Announced

Last night, Sony announced that they will be coming out with their own mini console (like the NES and SNES Classic). The Playstation Classic will be a small version of the PS1 and have twenty games built in. Check out the video announcement below, along with more details and my thoughts on the device. Playstation Classic will be coming out on December 3rd, 2018. It will cost $99 US (CAD$129.99), have twenty games built in, a USB cable, an HDMI…

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Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD First Impressions

When Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD was announced for the Nintendo Switch, I was excited. I liked the look of the graphics, the story, and the gameplay. I really wanted to check this game out. And thanks to Square Enix, we received a review copy of FF15 Pocket for the Switch and I’m playing it. Here are my first impressions of the game. I’ve never played Final Fantasy 15 before. So you won’t see in comparisons  between the original …

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More Thoughts From Me #137: The Other Stuff From Last Weeks Direct

Last week, we had a Nintendo Direct. There were a lot of announcements out of that Direct, however my favorites were Animal Crossing Switch and all those Final Fantasy games! I already talked about those though. For this More Thoughts, I want to focus on the other cool announcements from last weeks Direct. There was just so much! Here’s what else I liked. I don’t like Pokemon. I think everybody thats read this column or that follows me on twitter…

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Towns and Locations in Red Dead Redemption 2

Today, Rockstar unveiled a number of locations that players will be able to visit when they get their hands on Red Dead Redemption 2 this October. You can find all the details here, but feel free to browse some of the images below!

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